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#This Is My Story: Candelaria Villena Sierra

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#This Is My Story: José Luis Juarez Amado

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#This Is My Story: Jose Elías Suazo Romero

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#This Is My Story: Maria Galacia

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#This Is My Story: Guillermina Corona Contreras

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A Latin American Success Story: the Microfinance Growth Fund

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BlueOrchard-managed and IDB-backed fund creates tangible social impact in Latin and Central America

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#This Is My Story: Maria del Rocio Gonzalez

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#This Is My Story: Ruben Flores Chavarria

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#This Is My Story: Gerardo Diaz de Leon

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#This Is My Story: Blanca Estela de la Sancha Delgado

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#This Is My Story: Idalia del Carmen Mayorga Ruiz

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