The President of the World Bank has outlined the group’s new strategy to end poverty by 2030. Mr Kim highlights three key priorities:

  • Inclusive growth, boosting prosperity among the poor
  • Investments, particularly in people through education and health
  • Insurance, protection against disasters and the spread of disease

BlueOrchard is proud to be forerunner in efforts to achieve these targets. Indeed, BlueOrchard’s strategic development is in line with these targets. On the one hand, our microfinance funds provide capital to micro-entrepreneurs and low-income households, fostering inclusive growth and shared prosperity in emerging and frontier countries. On the other, BlueOrchard is focusing on new areas, such as education finance and climate insurance, reflecting the priorities set. With our recent mandates, the Regional Education Finance Fund for Africa and the Climate Insurance Fund, we invest in people and their future, while also building the resilience of the poor to climate related threats. Read more about impact investing at BlueOrchard here.